38: How can I leave a group of friends?
From Project BFF HQ, Terri + Manya riff about how to leave a group of friends.
Tips for leaving a group of friends:
- You can make it quick, like pulling off a bandage, or slow and steady, where you spend less time with these friends
- Be honest and respect their feelings, but it may also require tact. Sometimes vague (and honest) answers or explanations may be the best option.
- Friends may try to bring you back into the fold. If there is a chance (i.e., changed behavior means you want to stay with the group) then be open about what you need. If you need to leave (for whatever reason including if the group is a bad influence or they don't treat you well), stand your ground.
As with so many things relationship related, these may be easier said then done.
Groups of friends are fabulous. Check out episode 37, the opposite of this one, in which we talked about joining a group of friends.
How to leave a group of friends, WikiHow
Thank you for listening.
After much reflection, we have made the difficult decision to shut down Project BFF and the podcast. Our last podcast episode aired on August 23, 2024. We are leaving the podcast live on Buzzsprout through the end of 2024.
We are proud of this podcast and honored to have hosted such amazing and engaging guests.
Our hope is that Project BFF and Friendshipable have inspired you to form new friendships, strengthen existing ones, and encourage others to do the same
Thank you for being a part of our story. The two of us have truly deepened our friendship during this time, and we look forward to new and memorable adventures together in and around New England, which serves as the adopted home for both of us.
With gratitude and friendship,
Manya and Terri
To contact us, you can email Manya at