
84: Spending time together as friends

July 28, 2023 Terri + Manya Season 3 Episode 22

From a street corner not far from Fenway Park, Terri + Manya riff on friendships and the kinds of activities we do together, and get excited about seeing each other in person, five months since the last time we were together in person.

And we wish the Red Sox well in their game. We had a great time at the game (hot dogs were eaten and beer was drunk). The Miami Marlins won 2-0.


Thank you for listening.

After much reflection, we have made the difficult decision to shut down Project BFF and the podcast. Our last podcast episode aired on August 23, 2024. We are leaving the podcast live on Buzzsprout through the end of 2024.

We are proud of this podcast and honored to have hosted such amazing and engaging guests.

Our hope is that Project BFF and Friendshipable have inspired you to form new friendships, strengthen existing ones, and encourage others to do the same

Thank you for being a part of our story. The two of us have truly deepened our friendship during this time, and we look forward to new and memorable adventures together in and around New England, which serves as the adopted home for both of us.

With gratitude and friendship,
Manya and Terri

To contact us, you can email Manya at